Homalomena squamis-draconis

Homalomena squamis-draconis was discovered and named in Riau Province, Sumatra, and the species nomenclature is derived from the irregularities of its leaves, which resemble dragon scales.

Homalomena squamis-draconis”竜鱗” Riau sumatera LA0815-01

He is especially delicate immediately after acquisition. I had several difficulties in recovering him.
I’ve tried various methods, for example, putting him in a clear bag with damp moss, or planting him in red ball soil and letting him drain frequently, but I’m still not sure what the best solution is.
I think it probably needs a stable and humid environment.

When many roots develop, growth will accelerate.
At this time, if there is not enough nutrients to match the growth rate, the old leaves will die first. If the plant is grown in a container, the
Remove the dead leaves immediately because if they remain in place for a long period of time, rot can be transmitted.

Several populations of squamis-draconis have been found with different leaf textures other than typ locality.
Although they differ greatly in leaf texture, they are now unofficially considered to be the same species. H. cf. squamis-draconis

Summary of officially published information

Boyce and Wong, 2016Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Sumatera V – Homalomena …
Studies on Homalomeneae (Araceae) of Sumatera V – Homalomena squamis-draconis, a new species for the Chamaecladon Clade

Google Scholar, ResearchGate

A new type of distinctive Homalomena called squamis-draconis has been discovered in Sumatra.
It belongs to a group of plants called Chamaecladon and is described with photos of it in the wild.

In recent years, the population of jungle plant collectors has increased, and many wild species with distinctive and highly ornamental leaves and stems have been found on Sumatra Island.
Homalomena squamis-draconis, a newly described species, is one of the representative species in circulation.
The report includes the location of the discovery and a photograph, but details are withheld from the public for environmental protection reasons.

Homalomena mobula has been compared to Homalomena squamis-draconis as a similar species, but
There are distinct differences in leaf shape and flower structure between the two species.

Its habitat is growing out of granite covered with mud and moss near rivers in the wet forests of Sumatra Island.
The name ‘squamis-draconis’ comes from Latin meaning “with dragon scales” and describes its scale-like, uneven appearance.
The texture of the upper leaf surface, with its raised veins and wavy borders, is particularly unique and striking in this species.
A species with the trade name “dolphinskin” is also grown for ornamental purposes, but its leaves differ in color and texture.

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